Saturday, December 10, 2011

First Fruit!!

What joy I had today to go out into my lovely veggie patch and discover that the tomatoes have set their first fruit!  The little tommies are so tiny now, about the size of my little finger nail, but they're still there!

This one (on the right) still had its flower dangling from the bottom, which reminded me of the dried up umbilical cord on a newly-born lamb.
The tomato plants are all growing so well.  They've all reached the top of their climbing frames now, so I'll have to get some taller ones for them today.

The eggplant that Wayne bought me a couple of weeks ago is enjoying its special spot right in the middle of one of the climbing bean teepees and has put out a couple of beautiful flowers, too.

The beans are just putting out their first climbing shoots and I will soon be able to guide them up the teepees.  You can see them here, amongst all the feathery fronds of the carrots.

The beetroot and spring onions are still small, but healthy.

And the little celery seedlings that I put in last week are all showing healthy growth.

But, the pumpkins, cucumber and broccoli are all growing vigorously and I will have to build a trellis soon for the cucumber.
One of three pumpkins that I have grown from seed.
Cucumbers, almost ready for a trellis.
Broccoli - having to inspect regularly for the eggs of white cabbage butterfly on the underside of the leaves!

All in all, my veggies are coming along beautifully and giving me such pleasure every day!

1 comment:

  1. Goodness me Sally, It's a good thing Dad & I are coming up for Christmas to help you eat all these!!!
