Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Veggie Patch :: Beginnings

Today was a perfect day to resurrect my veggie patch!  The weather was not too hot, but the rain had stopped.  So I donned my overalls and boots and started by pulling out all those weeds.

I shifted the compost bin and found a new spot for it under the plum tree.  The weeds nearly filled it, but they will compress down over the next few months.

The soil was compacted so hard and because I had bruised ribs from a fall at softball last Saturday, I asked Richie to dig it over and break it up for me.

Then, once it was all loosened up, thanks to Richie, I shovelled in all the old compost.

After that, the fun starts ... planting the tomato seedlings!

Then I pushed in some snow pea and pumpkin seeds and sprinkled some tiny little carrot seeds.

Snow peas
The pumpkin seeds are buried deep in the soil, so I have put some cut-up Coke bottles where they are planted as markers and when they pop their heads up, the bottles will protect them a little from the snails & slugs.


I gave the seedlings and seeds a nice drink of water from the hose and now just have to be patient and wait to see what happens.


  1. Keep up the good work Sally. BUT!! put snail bait down for the snails and Blood & Bone for the rabbits, or all your hard work will be GONE as soon as the seeds show their heads!!! And you need to repeat this every time it rains!!!

  2. Thanks for the reminder, Mum! Shall do.
