Friday, January 06, 2012

Things To Do With Plums :: Jam

Last October, we put bird netting over our plum tree for the first time in the 23 years we have lived in this house.  The purpose of this netting is to stop marauding crows, rosellas, gallahs, cockatoos and other birds, as well as possums from eating all our plums as they begin to ripen.

Doing this, combined with an unusual amount of rain this Summer, has resulted in a bumper crop of plums!

This is just one small section of the tree, taken from underneath.
Now, what will I do with such a wonderful abundance of fruit??

First up - Jam:

I followed virtually the same procedures as for the apricot jam last week (click on those coloured words and you will go to that post), so I won't go through it all step-by-step.  The quantities were 1.8kg of plums and 2kg of sugar.  This seems like a lot of sugar, and it is!  But at least the jam set properly and it tastes beautiful!  That's not just me saying it - the family said so too!

1 comment:

  1. What next Sally? How about Gum Leaf Tea? I think Gum Leaf Jam would be pushing the bounds though.
