Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Animal Kingdom & Downtown Disney

Today I took a "day off" and lazed around the apartment while Wayne and the kids went to the Animal Kingdom park in Disney World.

I had a lovely spa bath, gave myself a manicure & pedicure, did some reading and caught up on a few emails, then went for a walk around the lovely Old Key West resort and saw some of the five swimming pools, shopped in the resort shop and then ended up at the cafe and bar, where the rest of the family caught up with me at about five o'clock.

We had a drink while they told me all about what they had done and seen at the Animal Kingdom.  It sounded fantastic!

We strolled back to the apartment and everyone showered and changed ready to go out for the evening.

We took the canal ferry to Downtown Disney.  This is a really great evening venue with clubs, shops, cinemas and restaurants.

We went to a really great restaurant called the House of Blues, which has all sorts of Southern American food on its menu, like turkey shrimp gumbo, creole seafood jambalaya, cajun meatloaf and grilled ribeye.  There wasn't a big vegan choice, so I broke my diet with a really great grilled fillet of swordfish.

We met the Blues Brothers there!

Afterwards, the kids went to a "Foster the People" concert still within the House of Blues and Wayne and I had a stroll around the other shops, stopping for a ice cream sunday at Hagen Daaz and the Harley Davidson shop, where Wayne bought three shirts.

We took the ferry back to the resort at 10:30 after a really great evening.

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